File Details
Architecture (For CPU): x64 (64-bit)
Language: English
Author: Ramsey
File Size: 5,98 GB (Gigabytes)
File Format: ISO (Disc Image File)
MD5 (Hash): d97197ba7a158f69
Download Links
Torrent (P2P) Download: Magnet
HTTP Download: PixelDrain.com
File Details
Architecture (For CPU): x86 (32-bit)
Language: English
Author: Ramsey
File Size: 4,02 GB (Gigabytes)
File Format: ISO (Disc Image File)
MD5 (Hash): 10ecc1b2bfe14cc6
Download Links
Torrent (P2P) Download: Magnet
HTTP Download: PixelDrain.com

[---------- CHANGELOG ----------]

(#) 2024.6.13 Changes:

* Added the latest Windows 10 22H2 Updates from 15.5(May).2024 till 11.6(June).2024: KB5037587 (Replaces KB5037587) | KB5039211 (Replaces KB5037768).
* Added Registry Setting that disables the Windows Defender "Automatic sample submission" and "Automatic routine remediation".
* Updated Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool (KB890830-v5) x64 from "v5.124.24050.1001" to "v5.125.24060.1001".
* Updated Microsoft Defender (KB2267602, KB4052623, KB5007651) from "v1.411.160.0" to "v1.413.253.0".
* Updated Microsoft Edge (Chromium) from "v124.0.2478.105" to "v125.0.2535.92".
* Updated Microsoft Edge WebView2 Runtime from "v124.0.2478.105" to "v125.0.2535.92".
* Updated 7-Zip from "v24.05" to "v24.06".
* Updated K-Lite Codec Pack Full from "v18.3.0" to "v18.4.0".
* Updated Mozilla Firefox from "v126.0.0" to "v127.0.0".

ReadMe File:

[---------- INCLUDES ----------]

(#) Windows 10 Updates:

* All Windows 10 22H2 Updates are included until 11.6(June).2024:
1. KB890830-v5 - Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool, version 5.125.24060.1001.
2. KB2267602 - Microsoft Defender Update (KB4052623 & KB5007651), version 1.413.253.0.
3. KB4559309 - Microsoft Edge (Chromium) Update, version 125.0.2535.92.
4. KB5007401 - Critical .NET Framework 3.5 Dynamic Update.
5. KB5011048 - .NET Framework 4.8.1 Base, version 9246.2.
6. KB5015684 - Feature Update 22H2 Enablement Package, version 1799.
7. KB5019180 - Security vulnerabilities exist in Memory Mapped I/O for some Intel processors.
8. KB5026037 - Out of Box Experience Update.
9. KB5032906 - Setup Dynamic Update.
10. KB5034232 - Safe OS Dynamic Update.
11. KB5037587 - Cumulative Update for .NET Framework 3.5 and 4.8.1.
12. KB5039211 - Cumulative Update for Windows 10.

(#) Windows 10 Runtime Libraries:

* Microsoft Edge WebView2 v125.0.2535.92.
* DirectX End-User Runtime v9.29.1974.2 (June 2010).
* Visual C++ Redistributable 2002 v7.0.9975.0.
* Visual C++ Redistributable 2003 v7.10.6119.0.
* Visual C++ Redistributable 2005 SP1 v8.0.50727.6229.
* Visual C++ Redistributable 2008 SP1 v9.0.30729.7523.
* Visual C++ Redistributable 2010 SP1 v10.40219.473.
* Visual C++ Redistributable 2012 Update 5 v11.0.61135.400.
* Visual C++ Redistributable 2013 Update 5 v12.0.40664.0.
* Visual C++ Redistributable 2015-2022 v14.40.33810.0.
* Visual Basic Runtime v1.00.
* Visual Basic Runtime v2.0.9.8.
* Visual Basic Runtime v3.0.5.38.
* Visual Basic Runtime v4.0.29.24.
* Visual Basic Runtime v5.2.82.44.
* Visual Basic Runtime v6.1.98.39 (SP6 Update KB3096896).
* Visual Studio 2010 Tools for Office Runtime v10.0.60922.

(#) Pre-Configured Windows 10 Settings:

* .NET Framework 3.5 = Installed.
* OneDrive Auto Install = Disabled.
* Diagnostic Data Collection = Disabled.
* Windows Defender - Automatic sample submission = Off.
* Windows Defender - Automatic routine remediation = Off.
* Show all File Extensions = On.
* Show hidden files, folders and drives = On.
* File Progress Dialog = Detailed.
* Combine Taskbar Buttons = Never.
* Windows Theme Color = Storm.
* Windows Theme Accent Color = On.
* Browser Media Auto-Play = Off.
* Default Browser = Firefox.
* Default Media Player = Media Player Classic.
* Default File Archiver = 7-Zip.

(#) Additional Applications:

* Microsoft Office 365 Professional Plus (Online Installer v3.2.6).
* 7-Zip v24.06 (With a few Preconfigured Settings).
* Mozilla Firefox v127.0.0 (With a few Preconfigured Settings).
* K-Lite Codec Pack Full v18.4.0 (With a few Preconfigured Settings).
* OpenHashTab v3.0.2/4.

[---------- INFORMATIONS ----------]

* Enterprise has the most Features.
  Windows 10 Home Single Language
  Windows 10 Home
  Windows 10 Home N
  Windows 10 Pro
  Windows 10 Pro N
  Windows 10 Pro Education
  Windows 10 Pro Education N
  Windows 10 Pro for Workstations
  Windows 10 Pro for Workstations N
  Windows 10 Education
  Windows 10 Education N
  Windows 10 Enterprise
  Windows 10 Enterprise N
  Windows 10 Enterprise multi-session / Virtual Desktops
  Windows 10 IoT Enterprise
  Windows 10 Team
* Description about the Windows 10 Editions: http://wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows_10_editions
* Description about Windows 10 N: https://support.microsoft.com/topic/media-feature-pack-for-windows-10-n-and-windows-10-kn-editions-229a1ad7-7a3f-87f7-9f0b-ff92fb96b3e4

(#) General:

* After the Installation update the Microsoft Apps at "START Menu -> Microsoft Store -> ... (top right corner) -> Downloads and updates -> Get updates".
* All the Windows 10 Language Packs can be downloaded directly from the Language Settings Menu at: "Settings -> Time & Language -> Language -> Add a language".
* This Windows 10 was not in Audit-Mode and was compiled with the Microsoft DISM tool and is based on the Windows 10 19041.1.191206-1406 en-US x64 source.
* All the included extras can be modified or removed in the ISO/Disc folder ".\sources\$OEM$" (Removing the $OEM$ folder will also remove the update #1 and #4).
* To set you own preconfigured borwser start page, simply edit the files "initial_preferences" and "firefox.cfg" with a text editor in the ISO/Disc folder ".\sources\$OEM$" or in the Hard Disk Drive folder "C:\Program Files" and "C:\Program Files (x86)".
* A Windows 10 Activator is not included, but a Text file is placed on the Desktop with a direct download link to a good working Activator.
* System Requirements (Minimum|Recommended): 1|3 GigaHertz x64 Processor with 2|4 Cores, 2|8 GigaBytes of RAM, DirectX 9 Graphics card, 30|120 GigaByte of free Hard Disk storage.

(#) How to do a fresh Windows 10 installation:

1. Burn the Windows 10 ISO file on a DVD disc by using a Brun program like CDBurnerXP (http://cdburnerxp.se) or use Rufus (http://rufus.ie) to create a bootable USB Flash Drive with the Windows 10 ISO file.
2. Do a BACKUP of your important files on a separate Drive.
3. To avoid accidentally creating a Windows 10 Online Account or running into the Account bug (Other user), disconnect your Computer from the Internet before you install.
4. At the Windows 10 Setup menu select "Custom: Install Windows only (advanced)".
5. Delete all the old Windows Partitions and then click on install (Be very careful to select the correct hard disk drive).

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  • This commment is unpublished.
    Molamodi · 5 years ago
    .NET Framework 3.5 has always been my problem as to why microsoft does not include it into the set up
  • This commment is unpublished.
    Molamodi · 5 years ago
    how do i this download this windows
    • This commment is unpublished.
      Ramsey · 5 years ago
      @Molamodi You need a Torrent program for that. Look at the links on this Download page.
  • This commment is unpublished.
    RBF · 5 years ago
    Hello. When trying to install the X86 version i recieve this message right after the installation bootscreen occurs and then after I click OK, the computer restarts and the cycle repeats over and over again: "Windows could not parse or Process unattend answer file D:\autounattend.xml for Pass [windowsPE] The answer file is invalid" How cn I fix this? I'll be looking for some fixes online when I have more free time, but until then maybe you have a solution for it. Thanks!

    PS. This is the platform i'm going to install the W10 on: Asrock 775i65G R3.0 mobo, CPU Intel E5800, 2GB RAM Kingmax, XFX Geforce 7900 GS 512 MB RAM, HDD WD Black 500 GB...what do you think, will it run decently?
    • This commment is unpublished.
      Ramsey · 5 years ago
      @RBF Looks like yiu have some left over files form your previous Windows on you Hard Disk drive. Format your Hard Disk driver before reinstalling.
    • This commment is unpublished.
      RBF · 5 years ago
      @Ramsey Well, I can't even get to the formatting part because that error occurs right before the installation can begin..what I've read so far on the web is that it's because the filename of the ISO/folder used might be too long (thus the path is too long in that autounattend.xml file), and after a quick checking, this thing might be true cose it looks indeed very long, like this: Windows 10 Enterprise 1809 x86 - Integral Edition 2019.2.18 - SHA-1.iso...in the Windows system environement it might be ok, but when booting and used under the other DOS or whatever environement that is, apparently it's not ok anymore...what i'm going to do is I'll rename the folder and the ISO and I'll make another bootable usb and try again this weekend...hopefully all will go well, otherwise I'll install the latest XP Integral version from here, cose XP was working like a charm on that platform...we'll see.
    • This commment is unpublished.
      Ramsey · 5 years ago
      @RBF Something is fishy here because Win10-IE doesn't have any "autounattend.xml" file included.
    • This commment is unpublished.
      RBF · 5 years ago
      @Ramsey It has after I create the bootable flash (using YUMI), cose that's the only program i can use to make bootable flash drives for that PC, other programs don't work, I mean, I can make the bootable flash disk, but I get errors when trying to boot from it and I can't install anything...I've been using YUMI to create several bootable flash drives to install XP, 7, 8, 10 and they worked ok untill this version from here...hopefully after renaming the files everything will be ok...I'll come back with a reply afterwards
    • This commment is unpublished.
      Ramsey · 5 years ago
      @RBF Did you try Rufus with the GPT and MBR option?
    • This commment is unpublished.
      RBF · 5 years ago
      @Ramsey Yup, tried them both, but neither of those option worked on that platform. I get an error message that asks me to hit ctrl+alt+del to reboot and that's where it all ends. So, back to the subject, I renamed the folder and the ISO and made a new bootable flash disk and the error is gone, it shows me everything I need in order to begin the installation of the OS, so I guess the reason for that error was the filename too long...I will install it tonight and see how it goes....btw, when is the next release date for INTEGRAL XP and 10? Thanks!
  • This commment is unpublished.
    RTL · 5 years ago
    I must say I upgrade from Windows 7 to Ramsey's edition of "Windows 10 Integral Edition" & I must say that you have saved me money instead of buying a BRAND NEW PC with a copy of Windows 10. Your version is better I must truly say Ramsey, before I did used to use your old XP OS on my HP Pavilion DC7100 and I always come to this site to check to see if there is any OS updates for Windows XP. Now I am running your Windows 10 edition, I must say Ramsey fair bloody play to you, you sure know how to save people money & save their old PC/Laptops/Notebooks/Netbooks/Servers. (y) :D (h5)

    Thank you Ramsey for the upgrade from my old OS (windows 7) to your edition of Windows 10. (y) :D (h5)


    :) (rofl) (ok) 8-)
    • This commment is unpublished.
      Dyrn3006 · 5 years ago
      @RTL ^^^^^^^^^^
      I must say i came accross this an i just installed a fresh copy its worth it like he said i fond this better than the orginal 10 thanks again for all the hard work you put in making this i cant wait to see what comes next i will be looking forward to.

      thanks for all the hard work an thanks to your team also (Ramsey)
      ill check back later to see whats new
  • This commment is unpublished.
    حمد النينجا · 5 years ago
    how to activate windows
  • This commment is unpublished.
    Rohit · 5 years ago
    server is not working
    • This commment is unpublished.
      Ramsey · 5 years ago
      @Rohit Which Server is not working?
    • This commment is unpublished.
      Rohit · 5 years ago
      @Ramsey x86 downloading link showning insufficient sources while downloading........... :?
    • This commment is unpublished.
      Ramsey · 5 years ago
      @Rohit Are you using a Torrent program like uTorrent because i tested it and everything is working.
    • This commment is unpublished.
      Rohit · 5 years ago
      @Ramsey My downloading started . servers are now up again. :D (rofl)
  • This commment is unpublished.
    · 5 years ago
    Ramsey just want to say thank you man this build of windows 10 is awesome
  • This commment is unpublished.
    · 5 years ago
    Ultragod If you really wamt to know of a crappy os try centos its the most broken os I have ever treid to use windows 10 is really not that bad and neither is windows 7 to be honest thats not to say all linux is bad though xfce is quite awesome and I am perticularly speaking of the xubuntu build
  • This commment is unpublished.
    Fritz · 5 years ago
    Ramsey, great job, thank you very much!
  • This commment is unpublished.
    joe · 5 years ago
    Just asking, I installed Windows 10 back in November. Do i have to reinstall this new January edition ?
    • This commment is unpublished.
      Ramsey · 5 years ago
      @joe No you don't need to do this. You will get the latest updates automatically over the Windows Update Center.
  • This commment is unpublished.
    joe · 5 years ago
    I recently installed Windows 10 64bits, but keep seeing this pop up screen that keep telling the following:

    We can't sign in to your account

    This problems can often be fixed by signing out of your account and then signing back in.
    If you don"t sign out , any files you create or changes you make will be lost.

    How do i sign out in Win 10 , the only option i see is the power logo BUTTON and then sleep shut down and restart. Therefore i shut down the PC and turn on (next day) receving again the above notifications.
    • This commment is unpublished.
      Ramsey · 5 years ago
      @joe At the Start menu click the 5th icon on the left.
    • This commment is unpublished.
      joe · 5 years ago
      @Ramsey Well did as told, but results are still the same. Keep seeing notification.
      Its annoying because when i start using Firefox i have to sign in to my account again to start sync ,and wait a while for my bookmarks to show up etc: .
    • This commment is unpublished.
      Ramsey · 5 years ago
      @joe Have you created a Windows 10 Online Account at the Windows 10 installation? If yes then try to create a Local Windows 10 Account. This is also better for you privacy.
  • This commment is unpublished.
    Gerry · 5 years ago
    So far found 2 bugs that I can't solve.
    1. Unpin program from taskbar always come back on reboot.
    2. Unable to set default program/file association.
    Been googling for several days but nothing works so far.

    Any help appreciated.
    • This commment is unpublished.
      Ramsey · 5 years ago
      @Gerry 1. Windows 10 is not allowing programs to change some file associations like Muisc files, Video files or the default Browser. You have to do this in the Windows 10 option "Start menu -> Settings -> Apps -> Default apps".
      2. This is Microsoft problem when adding new custom default Taskbar Icons for a new Windows 10 installation.
      I found a workaround for this by simply adding the attached file in this post to the Windows 10 folders
      "C:\Users\<-Your-Account-Name->\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup" and "C:\Users\Default\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup" (Create the "Startup" folder if it doesn't exist). And after that you only need to restart your computer.
      This file will do a workaround for this Microsoft problem and then delete itself. ;)
      Files attached: