So much debate over whether or not we should be wearing masks in order to fight COVlD but multiple scientific studies over the past decade have already settled this question. Not only do medical masks not prevent the spread of the virus, but a 1995 study proves that wearing a cloth mask can put you at greater risk for infection.

FaceBook's so called “fact checkers” have struck again, claiming that my report on the science that proves that wearing facemasks, especially in non-medical settings does almost nothing to prevent the spread of a virus, is false… citing that it was based on old information. Now, I'm reporting on a new study created in conjunction with the World Health Organization and published by the CDC from less than 60 days ago that once again proves that there is no evidence that wearing face masks in public prevents the spread of flu-like viruses. I'm also going to show you why the Facebook fact-checking system cannot be trusted.

Link to the CDC published study. This study was conducted in preparation for the development of guidelines by the World Health Organization on the use of nonpharmaceutical interventions for pandemic influenza in nonmedical settings.

This study was supported by the World Health Organization.

The shadow ban didn't work as expected, so YouTube has now completely removed the first video.
I can only said, when the facts are on your side then you don't need to ban or censor thinks.

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    Frank · 10 months ago
    Ramsey is this site now a platform for that DoodMcMan to spew out banality and conspiracy nonsense via a writing style??? of pure garbage which is annoying to say the least? A hard format is needed, if only!
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    James Tuttle · 1 years ago
    OMG Agreed!!! It always made me roll my eyes after Disney made masks a requirement to get into the parks, and then placed huge face mask sale stands outside where you could buy a single layer cloth material worthless mask with Mickey on it for $16 LOL. Part of several reasons we stopped giving Disney our money.
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    History Sucks! · 2 years ago
    Only those CDC type visor masks you often see in films offer any real protection in real virus/disease outbreaks like Ebola and even then some risk as in when you have to remove it. The whole Covid thing has been an orchestrated lie from start to finish.  The vaccinations no one really knows what crap they put inside or what effects long term they could cause. 

    We had that prick Johnson and his cronies on BBC TV In the evenings telling us to obey the rules and how dangerous this thing is,  then he was off to jolly parties. Proof of a lie from start to finish! The emergency clinics built specifically for COVID panic e.g Nightingale in London were empty stomach bug. Normal deaths attributed to flu had COVID attached because coroners got an extra £10 or more if they wrote it as such. Been bullshit from the start. Mass Media thrived on it, so did Sheeple!
    • This commment is unpublished.
      History Sucks! · 2 years ago
      @History Sucks! P.s  A cleaner who worked there told me it was empty of actual Covid patients at the peak of the pandemic apart from a few people with a stomach bug virus. A coroner insider told me me about the kick back extra money to label deaths as COVID attributed. And have it on good sources from a few doctors that no one knows the true ingredients of those vaccinations, despite what they said. Evil agenda from the very start!
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    Guashkivoski Tresmagistus · 2 years ago
    Are you an idiot or what? if maks do not curb viral spread then why is it in our countries influenza disappeared for a while and came back the moment people forgot about masks.
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      Vortex · 2 years ago
      @Guashkivoski Tresmagistus In my county It never disappeared with this mask mandates and forcing those test vaccines on 72% of the people. Now they stopped everything because it's useless.

      If you think a paper mask will hold a virus back then good luck when a real deadly virus emerges. ☠️
    • This commment is unpublished.
      E · 2 years ago
      @Vortex It isn't to prevent you from getting the virus it is so you don't cough and sneeze on each other, instead whatever you coughed stays mostly in your mask and you breathe in what was already inside you.
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      logisist · 1 years ago
      @E Didn't they just say that the generic facemask doesn't really work  and are ineffective the proper masks should only be worn by the infected and even with that the CDC document clearly states that there are mixed results even at that. plus you are basically saying that it reduces transmission but that's not true *read the linked document*   
    • This commment is unpublished.
      James Tuttle · 1 years ago
      @Guashkivoski Tresmagistus He's not an idiot, you are just a little bit ignorant. Medical science from Israel, Sweden & Finland proved late in 2020 that thin single layer cloth masks don't work. This is the kind of masks our dumbass Biden idiots gave to people and required everyone wear 24x7. ONLY N95 masks are effective, but few people or countries were smart enough to spend the extra money for them. Perhaps your country was one of the rare ones.
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      Dood McMan · 10 months ago
      @Guashkivoski Tresmagistus 'The Electric Israeli' so-called (((TV))) & other (((Media))) like (((HolyWeird))) & tha rezt iz run by jooz & their main goal in life is 2 spread suffering & destroy civilization 2 try & steal the wreckage cheaper, so thay like to lie a lot thru their (((FakeNooz))) & 'The So-Called (((Government))) / (((Z.O.G.))) about thengz with their fake 'plagues' & fake or (((In$ide Job))) 'threats' anzo awn, like 'the evils of cow farts & carbon dioxide' & stuff ~>
      Or pretending tha flu (which is all 'corona' is = magically somehow 'flu' has 'disappeared' =)) is worse than it ever was, when in fact the (((Clot $hots))) R infinitely worse ~>
      They even like 2 'confess brag' about it all.  Some examples ~>
      Et Zedra! =;-o  Don't 4get 2 #VaxUp, GOY! =)) ~>
      WOOP! =D
      = FUN FUN! ~;-)
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    phoenix bradley · 2 years ago
    the mental retardation is strong with this one
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    Totz · 3 years ago
    it's about business and militarization of CoViD19, giant pharma corporations from western countries are donating CoViD19 VACCINES in exchange of putting military bases on 3rd world countries
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    lol · 3 years ago
    LOL what the fuck is this website. you all are fucking nuts.
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    rob · 3 years ago
    So stupid, facemasks are for protecting OTHER PEOPLE not you. They reduce the velocity and therefore spread of particles exhaled. If you have covid, which can be symptomless it helps reduce the likelihood of getting other people sick. If you don't wear one you're selfish, reckless and following one study from the 90's over numerous studies since is ridiculous.

    Get a grip. Oh and if you're really in favour of free speech and the sharing of ideas you'll not take this comment down. How unsurprised I'll be when you do.
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      Doc · 3 years ago
      @rob You should first read some comments before posting debunked stuff from the mainstream media bubble your living in.
      And if you think you are protected by wearing a Mask (Muzzle), then why should other people do it? Is your Mask not protecting you?
    • This commment is unpublished.
      Ramsey · 3 years ago
      No comments will be taken down. It's not an ideologically driven website.
      The funny thing is that the left-wing has become what the right-wing was 20 years ago when it comes to censoring and banning. 🙃
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    Bob Jones · 3 years ago
    I have to wonder, that if masks work, why hasn't the disease died off after 8 + months of mask use? Because it doesn't work and never has. It's a placebo to make you feel that the government isn't 100% powerless against a tiny virus, yet the infection rate proves otherwise. Even the countries with the most ridiculous control rules are not seeing the virus go away. All the studies prior to 2020 said that masks had no discernable change for infection risk outside a sterile environ. Mask DO NOT prevent you from getting the virus! DO NOT prevent transmitting the virus! Butt butt they slow down transmission...marginally...which means we get to drag this out as long as possible but still get Covid...gee thanks guys, that's just what I wanted for Christmas, to wear a stupid mask that does nothing to protect me, other than provide a platitude for my emotions... Woohooo! Yay! Lets also ignore the fact that colds tend to ebb and flow with the change in seasons and weather because that might provide a historical pattern showing that diseases fluctuate regardless of what man does to control them. What people truly don't like is that they are totally powerless to do anything about Covid in a way that allows them to remain a part of society...
    • This commment is unpublished.
      E · 2 years ago
      @Bob Jones Dude, masks don't just make a virus go away, nearly nothing can, not even a vaccine just makes a virus go away. The infection rate is from places which don't use masks or more likely it's people like you who don't wanna wear them. Masks prevent you from transmitting the virus, not the other way around, so if everyone wore a mask not many people would get infected but some people claim it's a placebo or a "muzzle"
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    Actually Read The St · 4 years ago
    tfw you install a web browser for windows xp for development and the homepage is automatically a conspiracy blog misinterpreting cdc studies.
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      Ramsey · 4 years ago
      @Actually Read The St
      You let your emotions take over your rational thinking.
      The point is that people don't use the masks like they should, and that is the big problem. And using a Mask without gloves is also very very counterproductive.
      And i think everything today is a conspiracy if it doesn't fit into some once Religion or Left/Right/XYZ ideology.
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      Bob Jones · 3 years ago
      @Actually Read The St Misrepresenting the CDC studies? LOL the CDC is ignoring anything but its own research with good reason. They were caught in with their pants down around their ankles with the underage intern when Covid showed up. Dr. Fauci is quoted here... •Masks. The only people who need masks are those who are already infected to keep from exposing others. The masks sold at drugstores aren't even good enough to truly protect anyone, Fauci said.

      "If you look at the masks that you buy in a drug store, the leakage around that doesn't really do much to protect you," he said. "People start saying, 'Should I start wearing a mask?' Now, in the United States, there is absolutely no reason whatsoever to wear a mask."
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      You guys are being m · 3 years ago
      @Actually Read The St Makes you question the validty of the developers honestly.

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      worried · 3 years ago
      @You guys are being m If they push anti-mask stuff how do you know there isn't some shady stuff inside
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      Wake up Sheeple! · 3 years ago
      @worried Yes, those pesky russian hackers sharing anti-mask stuff have included keyloggers and miners in the ISO, snatching all info about your fav porn sites & mining dogecoins so they could fuel their krokodil addiction. It's a conspiracy!
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    Pensioner · 4 years ago
    If you are wearing something like a doctor from the CDC wears you are fully protected. The masks that the public wear on tubes, trains, buses, shops etc are a total joke and will not protect you one iota. Even bigger joke and it has been conceded time after time by experts is masks on planes are useless too. You are breathing the same air for hours on end, then taking your silly little mask off to eat or drink at designated times. How is one protected? A total clown show and wearing off these masks- ironically mostly made in China, is pure politics to calm the masses and germophobes. Those in charge are pure idiots.

    Look at those in the UK Department of Transport who have made 'smart motorways' converting the hard shoulder to an extra lane. Break down or stop and you are dead as many have become statistics. Those same fools are in charge of this Covid crisis. God help us all!
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      Mike · 4 years ago
      @Pensioner You can meet anybody in the pub inside or outside, yet can't families now can't meet other family members in a another home! You have to wear a mask in the cinema, plane but not in a restaurant. People have to wear a mask getting their hair cut in the hairdresser, but in a beauty salon not apparently, excepting when nails are manicured. Idiots are running the showing the in p.c UK!

      Should be more like Sweden's approach of letting the herd immunity run its course, but just ensure protection of elderly/sick in care homes or hospitals.
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      rob · 3 years ago
      @Mike The uk has adopted the policy of herd immunity by stealth and over 100,000 people are dead. If only everyone was as smart as you, maybe everyone would be dead and I wouldn't have to reply to idiots online. Another country that followed herd immunity by stealth is the USA under Donald Gump 543,000 dead there.
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      E · 2 years ago
      @Mike How tf you gonna eat at a restaurant with a fucking mask on?