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Author: Ramsey
File Size: 5.50 GB (Gigabytes)
File Format: ZIP (Compressed File Archive)
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Torrent (P2P) Download: Magnet
HTTP Download: GoFile.io.com


(#) 2024.11.29 Changes:

* Added 55 Language Interface Packs (LIP).
* Added a better script code to check for available disk space.
* Fixed a code typo in the "Auto Installer.cmd" file.


[---------- MUI Vs. LIP ----------]

(#) MUI - Multilingual User Interface Packs:

* Full translation.
* Possible to install multiple languages.
* Windows XP Home does not support MUI packs.

(#) LIP - Language Interface Packs:

* Partial translation.
* Only one language can be installed.
* Works on Windows XP Home.

[---------- MUI LANGUAGE PACKS ----------]

(#) Windows XP Editions:

* Professional
* Tablet PC 2005
* Media Center 2005
* POSReady 2009

(#) Updates:

* MUI Update for SP2 and SP3 (KB841625)
* MUI HotFix for SP3 (KB942766)
* Tablet PC 2005 Recognizer Pack 2
* Media Center 2005 Symbols Update 2

(#) Components:

* .NET Framework 1.1 SP1
* .NET Framework 3.5 SP1
* .NET Framework 4.0 Extended
* Active Directory Application Mode SP1
* Internet Explorer 6 SP1
* Internet Explorer 7
* Internet Explorer 8
* MSN Messenger 5.1
* Remote Desktop Connection 6.0 for SP2
* Remote Desktop Connection 6.1 for SP2
* Remote Desktop Connection 7.0 for SP3
* Windows Installer 4.5
* Windows Media Player 9
* Windows Media Player 10
* Windows Media Player 11
* Windows Movie Maker 2.1
* Windows PowerShell 1.0
* Windows Rights Management Services SP2
* Windows Search 4.0
* Windows Update Agent 3.0
* XML Paper Specification
* Visual Studio 2010 Tools for Office Runtime v10.0.60828.0

[---------- INSTALLATION ----------]

(#) LIP Automatically:

1. Open the ISO file with a ZIP-Archive tool such as "7-Zip" or Mount the ISO file with a Virtual Drive tool such as "ImDisk Toolkit".
2. Start an LIP pack that you want to install.

(#) MUI Automatically:

1. You need to mount the ISO file with a Virtual Drive tool such as "ImDisk Toolkit" or extract the ISO file with a ZIP-Archive tool such as "7-Zip" into a folder.
2. Launch the file "Auto Uninstaller.cmd" and then choose the language you want to install.
* This will only install the language packs for the components that are installed on your computer.

(#) MUI Manually:

1. You need to mount the ISO file with a Virtual Drive tool such as "ImDisk Toolkit" or extract the ISO file with a ZIP-Archive tool such as "7-Zip" into a folder.
2. Install the main Windows XP Language Pack by starting the file ".\1. Windows XP Operating System\1. Multilingual User Interface\MUISETUP.EXE".
3. Install the "2. MUI Update" and the "3. MUI HotFix" from the folder ".\1. Windows XP Operating System".
4. Install the Language Packs from the main MUI folder for the Windows XP Components that are installed on your computer.
5. Change the language at "START Menu -> Control Panel -> Regional and Language Options -> Languages" and then LogOff/LogOn or Restart your computer for the new setting to take effect.

[---------- INFORMATION ----------]

(#) Windows XP Updates:

* If you want to update your Windows XP x86 (32-bit) with the latest updates, then download the latest version of the "Unofficial Service Pack 4" from:
* If you want a Windows XP Professional x86 (32-bit) ISO with the latest updates already included, then download the latest version of the "Windows XP Professional SP3 x86 - Integral Edition" from:

(#) General:

* If you have more Windows XP x86 MUI or LIP Packs, then feel free to share them, so that they can also be added to this Multilingual Pack.

(#) MUI List:

  • Arabic
  • Bulgarian
  • Chinese (Simplified)
  • Chinese (Traditional)
  • Croatian
  • Czech
  • Danish
  • Dutch (Standard)
  • Estonian
  • Finnish
  • French (Standard)
  • German
  • Greek
  • Hebrew
  • Hungarian
  • Italian
  • Japanese
  • Korean
  • Latvian
  • Lithuanian
  • Norwegian
  • Polish
  • Portuguese (Brazil)
  • Portuguese (Standard)
  • Romanian
  • Russian
  • Spanish (Modern Sort)
  • Slovak
  • Slovenian
  • Swedish
  • Thai
  • Turkish
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  • This commment is unpublished.
    Sinchai · 3 days ago
    ไฟล์เสียครับ ไม่สามารถคิดคั้งได้
    • This commment is unpublished.
      MilkChan · 2 days ago
      @Sinchai ติดตั้งไม่ได้ตรงไหนครับ?
      เป็นผู้ใช้ WinXP เช่นเดียวกันและก็เป็นเพื่อนกับเจ้าของไฟล์ในเว็บ
  • This commment is unpublished.
    Cameron D. Cole · 1 months ago
    How do I uninstall the LIP? The Welcome screen is stuck in Afrikaans.
    • This commment is unpublished.
      Ramsey · 1 months ago
      @Cameron D. Cole Go into SafeMode by pressing F8 when restarting and then go to " StART menu -> Control Panel -> Add or Remove Programs" to uninstall an LIP.
    • This commment is unpublished.
      Cameron D. Cole · 1 months ago
      @Ramsey I solved this as I just went to Regional and Language Options, but thanks anyway!
  • This commment is unpublished.
    berquez · 2 months ago
    hi Ramsey 
    Can I use Netframework 4.7.2 on Windows xp?
    If you could, what would be the way?
  • This commment is unpublished.
    ep72 · 2 months ago
    Hi! I prepared a usb drive of winxp ie 2022 version. I wanted to repair with recovery console but it asked me an administrator password. After 3 consecutive errors it promted to restart. Any help would be aprecciated. Thanks
    • This commment is unpublished.
      Ramsey · 2 months ago
      @ep72 If no password was set then don't enter one and press the enter key.
  • This commment is unpublished.
    RuThAN · 3 months ago
    It would be really nice to add English language pack, i looked inside there seems to be one. I people often prefer English instead of local language and in theory its vanilla one, so less buggy.
    All some script to strip / shrink lang ISO just to selected language would be nice.. 
    • This commment is unpublished.
      Ramsey · 3 months ago
      @RuThAN There is no English Language Pack because everything is based on the English Windows XP.
    • This commment is unpublished.
      RuThAN · 3 months ago
      @Ramsey Well its expected, its not supported by MS. By in the past i made it possible, it mostly worked like 95%, of system was translated and after and tried to copy some files from Windows Xp english installation, it mostly worked and if not, i restored image backup.
        It would be easy, but it be challenge :) Ryzens werent support too.
         I dont find some problems later with some updates etc, update failure rate was as usual (5-10 of 200 update were failing), same with programs compatibility.. and often updates just worked, when i installed them outside of windows update manually.

         I used some tutorial, im not sure which one, i used but check this:
    • This commment is unpublished.
      Dreamer · 3 months ago
      @RuThAN Looks like you teach English in Japan? 
      If I were in your situation, I would replace disk with new and make fresh English installation. 
      If they don't allow, that would mean they are not willing to learn anything, go away, go home. 
      (Or you could take Japanese lessons three times a week.)
    • This commment is unpublished.
      RuThAN · 3 months ago
      @Dreamer Lang packs have its sense, that is why this release exists, i will not argue about it. I can imagine lots of real life situations where migration to english makes sense. 

        For example when company gets international, someone needs to fix some not english installation where is running some small helper utility, or when some scientist started something like personal project and its gone and someone needs to manage his running machine. There are some 486 with DOS still running in our space village and there is no time and resources to migrate some low level DOS serial port program to something better.. So XPs are not that old in sucks regards.

      Also some translations are not the best ones, if your english is good enough is better to use it in original default state.

        Possibility of choice is best way in the life.
    • This commment is unpublished.
      Ramsey · 3 months ago
      @RuThAN You could try if the Upgrade or Repair option works for you.
    • This commment is unpublished.
      RuThAN · 3 months ago
      @Ramsey How exactly do you mean that? If you mean if repair still working with such installation.. It does same as SP3 reinstallation, but there are still some random untranslated strings.

         It really needs something automized, yes i could got through language packs with all files there and try to copy them from fully upgraded english version.. I something would reviewing lang packs, but its endless job.
        It theory it should be possible make some script with will go through all files inside language packs and find same files in ENG system upgraded by same updates and  this way created ENG lang pack. Downside would some files within some archives like cabs etc.
        BTW in even sure if all postready updates where translated or are english only, it could safe some time.
  • This commment is unpublished.
    gianni.chedda · 4 months ago
    In Auto Installer.cmd in line 251 a " is missing:

    If Not Exist "%CommonProgramFiles%\Microsoft Shared\VSTO\10.0\VSTOInstal...
    Set "FoundLanguage=RESET <-- " Missing
    For /f "tokens=*" %%n in ('Dir /b /s ".\Visual Studio 2010 Tools for Off...
  • This commment is unpublished.
    teotl · 1 years ago
    I have a software package specifically for Windows XP, should I share it with you?
    ESET, Kaspersky, Agnitum, Malwarebytes, Sumatra PDF, AIMP, VLC, TotalCommander etc.
  • This commment is unpublished.
    Max1024 · 1 years ago
    Ramsey Is it possible to run, a not-so-ordinary NVME ssd WD_BLACK 1TB AN1500 in WinXP build with  Marvell 88NR2241 controller, on motherboards without UEFI, LGA775 for example? 
    I try to put the drivers in the screenshot from the link https://i.ibb.co/kc94snR/snaphsot0023.png , the WD device even appears in the task manager, but everything just hangs there, the reset saves it, after a forced reboot it’s empty.

  • This commment is unpublished.
    Alistair · 1 years ago
    Please add 'Moron' to the language pack, because no one can understand a word that RudeMcWoman writes since she arrived on Zone94!
  • This commment is unpublished.
    Dood McMan · 1 years ago
    Hay Mr. Ram Zee, 'gofile' is super slow & never finishes the download = total #$pamSkam =P  Pleez upload yor $hit 2 archive.org, where nobody cares = infinitely more stable =) If U could let me know also if/wen U do @ 'balkanguy (at) live (dot) com' that wood B GR8 =D
  • This commment is unpublished.
    Algoflex · 1 years ago
    Any major changes here or just some minor ones? (didn't see a changelog) Thanks!
    • This commment is unpublished.
      Ramsey · 1 years ago
      Nothing Special. But will still keep it Up-to-Date.

      [---------- CHANGELOG ----------] (#) 2023.11.24 Changes: * Added a Changelog text file. * Added Language Pack for Visual Studio 2010 Tools for Office Runtime. (#) 2022.6.6 Changes: * Added a few more Language Packs. * Sorting of language packs for a better overview. (#) 2021.12.18 Changes: * Public Release.
  • This commment is unpublished.
    Dood McMan · 1 years ago
    Hi I would be happy to pay somebody to update this OS when installing the OS it disables all forms of updating no matter what until the user manually selects each thing they want it to 'phone home' about, & also to undo the ridiculously huge space wasting user interface so it's compact & quick like Windows XP, & fix the visual UI so it looks like Windows '98 (like the old 'Classic Shell' does =)  You can reach me at 'balkanguy (at) live (dot) com'.  Here's a note I sent to my mom I was going to set up a system with this for ~>

    OMG even brand new Windows 11 is totally unstable & unreliable & full of sabotage 2 waste time & ruin everybody's work =P My suggestion is 2 really avoid even bothering 2 learn N E thing about Windows 10. It's like learning how 2 make the best dog poop sandwich = what's the point? When U got Windows 7 over there that does what U need?

    Rebooting a random fresh & formerly stable Windows 11 install from just a few days old 2day & 4 no reason at all refuses & says lots of errors & blabla like I need 2 'reset the system' so try again & then hijacks the system 2 force install unwanted 'up'(down)grades & then when I try 2 shut it off says 'no U can't' & blabla & when I do then it creates a bazillion errors on the drive it has 2 scan through = basically wasting over 30 minutes 'troubleshooting' just 2 reboot = insane. It did all of this krap 4 no reason & nothing I did other than their attempts 2 wreck the computer on purpose. It's a sadistic joke OS =P

    Between that and the absurd 'touch tablet' oversized bull$hit interface clearly Windows 11 is a total waste of time =P But yeah if U want 2 torture yourself, I'll have it on some extra drives & partitions U can try out 4 'experimenting' on different PCs =) I'm not going 2 waste N E more time trying 2 fix what they broke so bad this time but maybe in another 10 years after the 'user base' kind of 'heals' a lot of the deliberate $abotage ~ 2 cripple people's PCs 2 make them buy fancier hardware & generate Cu$tomer $upport Bu$iness =P What an insane racket LOL

    Windows 7 & XP it is (really just need 2 add a few things 2 XP like 'Desktop Sync' & 'APO / Audio Processor Object' & blabla & 'portable-ize' MyPal ('Modern' Firefox 4 XP mod) & all set = #XPForever =)

    L8R! ~@~