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    kenney · 24 days ago
    The microsoft app why is it still saying i should sign in, i thought it was cracked.
    • This commment is unpublished.
      Ramsey · 24 days ago
      @kenney Some Microsoft Apps only start if you have a Microsoft Cloud account. Microsoft plan is to slowly force everyone into a cloud base Windows.
  • This commment is unpublished.
    Siah · 1 months ago
    Hey Ramsey you got random text on the left side of the main page again, what is up with that?
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    MorningGlory · 1 months ago
    Hey Ramsey, did some indian spambot hijack somehow into your site, posting some finance-spam articles? Might want to check that out if some shitty joomla addon doesn't have some sort of a vulnerability or something.
    • This commment is unpublished.
      Ramsey · 1 months ago
      @MorningGlory It's fixed. I toggled a wrong setting and it then showed the test pages in the sidebar modules.
  • This commment is unpublished.
    loopypalm · 1 months ago
    Okey , i think there is something wrong with this website
    anytime i get a notification from Gmail and clic to visit the site it says :
    • This commment is unpublished.
      Ramsey · 1 months ago
      @loopypalm And what is the link you get? I think un-subscribing and subscribing could fix this.
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    jake · 1 months ago
    how do i get a virtual free number for whatsapp
    • This commment is unpublished.
      Ramsey · 1 months ago
      @jake Most of the free numbers are already blocked or used.
      I would simply use a cheap VoIP service for a virtual number.
    • This commment is unpublished.
      The Fugitive · 1 months ago
      @Ramsey Can recommend 'Vyke'. Virtual mobile numbers available for; USA, UK, Poland and Canada.
    • This commment is unpublished.
      jake · 1 months ago
      @Ramsey Thanks Ramsey if I am in Australia which voip service would you reccommend? Do we get free numbers with the voip?
    • This commment is unpublished.
      jake · 1 months ago
      @The Fugitive Can you recommend something for Australia.
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      The Fugitive · 1 months ago
      @jake SMS is a major hurdle with VOIP services. Most, (including the huge Dellmont company brands) don't support SMS. As you know, Skype has been favourite for ages. Unfortunately, they only support SMS for US numbers when sent from either US or Canadian numbers. They don't provide mobile numbers and 2FA (one time passcodes) are not supported. 2FA via VOIP is a problem in USA (don't know about Australia). Many USA banks and other financial institutions don't allow 2FA via VOIP. Curiously, UK are OK with it up to now. 'VYKE' is the only VOIP provider I know of that suits my needs. They don't provide mobile numbers for Australia as at this time though. Sorry I can't help.   
  • This commment is unpublished.
    InfiDrive · 2 months ago
    Hey, can you please use InfiDrive (infidrive . net) as direct download link?
    It has no speed limits, you can simply upload to GDrive and add to InfiDrive, the UI is very clean and no annoying ads.

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    Sushil Bansal · 3 months ago
    is any free and reliable vpn for accessing a sql server for running an application remotely rather then lan
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    Sushil Bansal · 3 months ago
    is a crack for windows server 2021 or newer one for unlimited remote desktop connections to server bypassing the need for adding CAL?
  • This commment is unpublished.
    Dietmar · 3 months ago
    Hi Ramsey,
    do you have a tool, that I can run as scan.bat from command line in XP SP3?
    The tool looks for all files in D:\ and stores their names in a folder in F:\opcode
     I want to scan my whole XP SP3 installation for the opcode of "cmpxchg8b qword [ebp+0]" which is "0F C7 4D 00". Or may be, that you have a better idea, because you are good in batch scripts
    • This commment is unpublished.
      Ramsey · 3 months ago
      @Dietmar You can use the option "Find in Files" in Notepad++ to scan a directory for files with a specific text.
      Notepad++ v7.9.2 is the last version for Windows XP.
    • This commment is unpublished.
      Dietmar · 3 months ago
      Hi Ramsey,
      I think, that Notepad++ cant look for Hex code in files.
      I have WinHex and Ida Pro. But with them I have to open each file alone and wait for this check for the opcode "0F C7 4D 00"
    • This commment is unpublished.
      Ramsey · 3 months ago
      A while back I used the tool 'Hex Editor Neo' for this task.
    • This commment is unpublished.
      Dietmar · 3 months ago
      I search with ÇM  , which is "0F C7 4D 00" via Notepad++,
      this works, niccccee
    • This commment is unpublished.
      Dood McMan · 3 months ago
      @Dietmar Hav U tried 'Agent Ransack' 4 file content search? ~>
      Use a 'portable' = OF COURSE! =)  Always ~>
      BTW: Somebody please fix Agent Ransack so doesn't demant 'boolean math expression' whatever.  Like it's so hard 2 use regular english like a joogle search?  Like search for 'bananas AND cereal' = WTF?  

      Only reason 2 ever use 64 bit $hit is if yor other $hit is so $hit they made the mistake of forcing 64 bit, so if U can ever 'get away' with 32 or even less bit, U R better off, like 32 bit apps on a 64 bit OS.  The whole 'More Memory' thing is a lie 2, az even if the 'PAE' trix 2 a$$ign mor RAM 2 32 BIT whatever don't work, U can address it as a RAM 'disk' = like a 'virtual' hard drive space.  64 bit everything should B fuking BANNED, world wide =)

      It's like the super-high refresh rates on 'gaming' = absurd.  They think they 'need' it because there is not enough 'motion blur' 2 fill in the blanks.  Like in old 'movie animations' they didn't know this = Y things stutter along.  N E thing higher than 60Hz or so is a waste of time, same as N E frame size over about 1080p (for text reading) or 1,100 for motion video = doesn't really look N E better & often even worse, & funny how the AV1 video codec takes (partial) advantage of this, as U can tell from the jaggies & $hit it's downsampling N E thing above 1080p or so & then faking it with upsampling after, same as it reduces the frame rate even BELOW 30Hz & then motion interpolates it up with 'soap opera effect' & all the 'halo jaggies' associated with it.  WTF is the 'internal' frame rate they force?  15FPS? LOL!!  iGot $hit @ 25Hz & can C the artifacts =))  VP9 doesn't do this.  AV1 needs 2 be #BANNED World Wide! =D  Such a $CAM!!  Imagine all the millions (billions?) developing this FAKE 'codec' improvement, WA$TING all that time & $ & heat & electricity on a codec that's like 10X more power hungry & WORSE result than VP9 = HAHAHA =))
    • This commment is unpublished.
      Dietmar · 3 months ago
      @Dood McMan
      It does not run under XP
  • This commment is unpublished.
    Dood McMan · 3 months ago
    Side-issue here but funny = a bit 4 a '(((Polatix)))' Zexxon?? = in 'The Joo-Nited $nakes Ov ((($camerica)))' here 'The So-Called (((Government)))' has replaced 'Easter' with a weenie-chopper queer worship 'trans holiday' insult game against whites & Christians, etc. = GR8 in the way it proves how absurdly (((Evil))) those hoo $upport (((Zelin$ky))) & izra-hell R, drawing out real nations 2 finally 'Flush The Toilet On (((Z.O.G.))) =) ~>
    #FunnyBunnyDay Greetings 4 Tha '(((White)))' Hou$e =))

    Sent 2 (((White))) House ~;D

    With current 'Holiday Events' maybe U guyz wood like 2 uze my Art? iCan do mor iv U wanna (4get the exact wording = 4got 2 save that part =P)

    RE: Happy Easter!
    Sent: Sunday, March 31, 2024 10:53 AM
    To: Mom

    Attachments: Beach Bunny image.png‎ (521 KB‎)

    Very Nice! The Miracle Of 'A.I.' =)) Or R there 'Bunny Models'? =;-D Speaking of 'Virtual Bunnies' ~>

    Very fitting on such a 'Day Of Noticeable-ness' LOL ~>
    = U hurd tha NQQZ? =;-o
    "Biden Declares Easter Sunday ‘Transgender Day of Visibility’ = LOL!! ~>

    Mor . . .
    https://jpcdn.it/img/6267abd51657b1388796add69f9ab194.jpg" target="_blank">https://jpcdn.it/img/6267abd51657b1388796add69f9ab194.jpg
    = So 'Edgy' =;D

    My Masterpiece =)) ~>
    Without Frame ~>

    #RainbowBunnyApocalypse! ~>

    iNeed 2 mail Tha '(((White)))' House with these HolidayGreetings! HAHA
    #SoPerfect =)) ~>

    Keep An Eye Out! =8^D ~>

    BTW: KQQL Flyx 2 Chek Owt ~>

    A.I. Artrocity! ~>
    From: Mom
    Subject: Happy Easter!

    Hi (Dood),
    Easter Greetings - wish I were on the beach with this bunny instead of here! I sent a priority mail envelope to

    you with some Easter stuff in it. last Tuesday. It was supposed to arrive Thursday. However, USPS tracking says

    it's still in transit. Argh! (etc, no mor room)
    Thank you for your submission!

    Rest of message (no more room on (((Government))) $ite) ~>
    . . . I hope you get it soon. But just wanted to let you know I'm thinking of you and hope you enjoy your

    Easter - whether today or whenever the package arrives - or both!

    Love & Bunny Hugs,
    Mom ❤️💚💜🐰🌺

    Also sent to:
    Henry Makow = https://henrymakow.com/
    Andrew Anglin = http://dailystormer.in/
    Jeff Rense = https://rense.com//
    Infowars = https://www.infowars.com/
    = Sez iHav 6810 symbols left after this =;-o
  • This commment is unpublished.
    Aldrenjake · 4 months ago
    is there any free software that can use to bypass passwords  for phone? thank you so much peace!
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    Dood McMan · 5 months ago
    HAY Mr. Ramsey iNotice a flaw in yor forum thing where it tries 2 'embed' a Youtube CHANNEL link so appears like it's a 'dead/missing' video, but it's not really. C heer ~>
    Video Lynx $ho rite ~>