File Details
Author: Ramsey
File Size: 5.50 GB (Gigabytes)
File Format: ZIP (Compressed File Archive)
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Torrent (P2P) Download: Magnet
HTTP Download: GoFile.io.com


(#) 2024.11.29 Changes:

* Added 55 Language Interface Packs (LIP).
* Added a better script code to check for available disk space.
* Fixed a code typo in the "Auto Installer.cmd" file.


[---------- MUI Vs. LIP ----------]

(#) MUI - Multilingual User Interface Packs:

* Full translation.
* Possible to install multiple languages.
* Windows XP Home does not support MUI packs.

(#) LIP - Language Interface Packs:

* Partial translation.
* Only one language can be installed.
* Works on Windows XP Home.

[---------- MUI LANGUAGE PACKS ----------]

(#) Windows XP Editions:

* Professional
* Tablet PC 2005
* Media Center 2005
* POSReady 2009

(#) Updates:

* MUI Update for SP2 and SP3 (KB841625)
* MUI HotFix for SP3 (KB942766)
* Tablet PC 2005 Recognizer Pack 2
* Media Center 2005 Symbols Update 2

(#) Components:

* .NET Framework 1.1 SP1
* .NET Framework 3.5 SP1
* .NET Framework 4.0 Extended
* Active Directory Application Mode SP1
* Internet Explorer 6 SP1
* Internet Explorer 7
* Internet Explorer 8
* MSN Messenger 5.1
* Remote Desktop Connection 6.0 for SP2
* Remote Desktop Connection 6.1 for SP2
* Remote Desktop Connection 7.0 for SP3
* Windows Installer 4.5
* Windows Media Player 9
* Windows Media Player 10
* Windows Media Player 11
* Windows Movie Maker 2.1
* Windows PowerShell 1.0
* Windows Rights Management Services SP2
* Windows Search 4.0
* Windows Update Agent 3.0
* XML Paper Specification
* Visual Studio 2010 Tools for Office Runtime v10.0.60828.0

[---------- INSTALLATION ----------]

(#) LIP Automatically:

1. Open the ISO file with a ZIP-Archive tool such as "7-Zip" or Mount the ISO file with a Virtual Drive tool such as "ImDisk Toolkit".
2. Start an LIP pack that you want to install.

(#) MUI Automatically:

1. You need to mount the ISO file with a Virtual Drive tool such as "ImDisk Toolkit" or extract the ISO file with a ZIP-Archive tool such as "7-Zip" into a folder.
2. Launch the file "Auto Uninstaller.cmd" and then choose the language you want to install.
* This will only install the language packs for the components that are installed on your computer.

(#) MUI Manually:

1. You need to mount the ISO file with a Virtual Drive tool such as "ImDisk Toolkit" or extract the ISO file with a ZIP-Archive tool such as "7-Zip" into a folder.
2. Install the main Windows XP Language Pack by starting the file ".\1. Windows XP Operating System\1. Multilingual User Interface\MUISETUP.EXE".
3. Install the "2. MUI Update" and the "3. MUI HotFix" from the folder ".\1. Windows XP Operating System".
4. Install the Language Packs from the main MUI folder for the Windows XP Components that are installed on your computer.
5. Change the language at "START Menu -> Control Panel -> Regional and Language Options -> Languages" and then LogOff/LogOn or Restart your computer for the new setting to take effect.

[---------- INFORMATION ----------]

(#) Windows XP Updates:

* If you want to update your Windows XP x86 (32-bit) with the latest updates, then download the latest version of the "Unofficial Service Pack 4" from:
* If you want a Windows XP Professional x86 (32-bit) ISO with the latest updates already included, then download the latest version of the "Windows XP Professional SP3 x86 - Integral Edition" from:

(#) General:

* If you have more Windows XP x86 MUI or LIP Packs, then feel free to share them, so that they can also be added to this Multilingual Pack.

(#) MUI List:

  • Arabic
  • Bulgarian
  • Chinese (Simplified)
  • Chinese (Traditional)
  • Croatian
  • Czech
  • Danish
  • Dutch (Standard)
  • Estonian
  • Finnish
  • French (Standard)
  • German
  • Greek
  • Hebrew
  • Hungarian
  • Italian
  • Japanese
  • Korean
  • Latvian
  • Lithuanian
  • Norwegian
  • Polish
  • Portuguese (Brazil)
  • Portuguese (Standard)
  • Romanian
  • Russian
  • Spanish (Modern Sort)
  • Slovak
  • Slovenian
  • Swedish
  • Thai
  • Turkish
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  • This commment is unpublished.
    Hostos Fernandez · 1 years ago
    please, need seeders.. 
  • This commment is unpublished.
    Anonymous · 2 years ago
    Seed, please
    • This commment is unpublished.
      Ss · 2 years ago
      @Anonymous  I am seeding it like crazy and will continue to do so.
  • This commment is unpublished.
    Bubo · 2 years ago
    Same as another person, I'm getting constant

    "errored v1 and v2 hashes do not describe the same data"

    errors every 5 or 10% (my hdd is in perfect condition, using qbittorrent without issue for years).

    if I follow through till 100%, will my pack be intact?
    • This commment is unpublished.
      Ramsey · 2 years ago
      @Bubo If a torrent has seeders then the torrent is working.
      A ZIP file will also give you an extraction error if the ZIP file is corrupt.
    • This commment is unpublished.
      Dood McMan · 1 years ago
      @Ramsey How do I hire U 2 do some custom mods 2 Windows XP? =)  I want 2 add 'Desktop Sync' (so web videos don't tear), 'APO / Audio Processor Object' & a few other things =D  Can reach me at 'balkanguy (at) live (dot) com'.  Even Windows 7 has so many more bugs than XP there's really no point switching.  Like 4 instance even the most basic things like when dropping files into a different folder it forces auto-sort by name or whatever so can't see what was recently moved, making their 'Windows Explorer' pretty much unusable, & the list goes on = everything about XP is so infinitely superior to the krap that came after it's obviously intentional sabotage by Micro$oft in it's endless war against it's own customers.  Windows '98 was also better in some ways like no 'BSOD' when moving a drive 2 a different motherboard or whatever, but they sabotaged it with 'up(down)grades' 2, like progressively sabotaging the shell with Internet Explorer up(down)grades that made the OS shell (which uses the same bits) 2 leak RAM & lock up after a while, etc.  It's an endless battle 2 un-wreck the krap they purposely ruined.  We should try 2 start a community that focuses on fixes 4 that kind of stuff rather than pretending 'latest greatest' is even a thing.  A new pile of dog poop is not a better breakfast than a day old donut =))  You can reach me at 'balkanguy (at) live (dot) com' =D
  • This commment is unpublished.
    zonnyporn · 2 years ago
    I have a question, is there a guide about how to use the files to recreate a windows xp iso with just created drivers (nvme/usb3.x) and all files that are included in the folder?
    • This commment is unpublished.
      Ramsey · 2 years ago
      @zonnyporn Open the Batch file with a text editor and then go to the XYZ Driver section and then you will see what the script is modifying. You can also check the modified files against the original files after a driver integration with a text comparer.
  • This commment is unpublished.
    Zerglings_are_pets · 2 years ago
    Is this working for the recent Windows XP SP3 16-06-2022 integral edition?

    Thanks for this!
  • This commment is unpublished.
    Rockylpx · 2 years ago
    Can you please upload the English version "no multi pack" thank you , I can't download such a large file .

    Once again thank you .
  • This commment is unpublished.
    MineirinhoDaSilva · 2 years ago
    Hi.....qBittorrent v4.4.3.1 -> errored v1 and v2 hashes do not describe the same data.
    Thanks Ramsey......Great Work....
  • This commment is unpublished.
    Gargamel86 · 2 years ago
    Hello there! There is a working web browser in it? I think Basilisk browser was one of the last that supported XP.
  • This commment is unpublished.
    Mark · 3 years ago
    Installed latest Integral on my pc(Toshiba) and getting missing PCI device error. Also audio drivers won't install. Never seen this before.

    My pc is a Win7 64 bit hardware based, but I partitioned it C & D drives formatting the C to run XP without problems up until now!
  • This commment is unpublished.
    Vladimir · 3 years ago
    Is there a method of installing (transferring) the system to a Portable HDD, SSD, Flash Drive?
    Where can I read how to do it.
  • This commment is unpublished.
    frank · 3 years ago
    Well done guys, you're the best. Thanks
  • This commment is unpublished.
    Igor · 3 years ago
    what changes were made to release a new version of language packs for xp
    • This commment is unpublished.
      Ramsey · 3 years ago
      @Igor The ".\MUI\MUISETUP.EXE" file should now also work on the Home version and the description was also updated.