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    Tester · 1 years ago
    how can we stop updates on windows 10 completely?
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      Dietmar · 1 years ago
      there is a tool from Microsoft itself.
      I had the same problem. So I go back to Win10 1703.



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      Dood McMan · 10 months ago
      'Sordum Update Blocker' works & should always B the very 1'st thing everybody does after installing Windows 10+ (offline of coruse) 2 permanently disable all forms of 'updating' (deliberate sabotage by Micro$cam).  U can always switch it on manually if U really H8 yorself so much U enjoy wasting your life trying 2 fix wat they broke after U had everything working nice =) ~>
      4 instance, I have been using the same version of 'Integral' XP for over a decade & never 'updated' N E thing even once = because nobody really needs that $hit.  It's a $cam.  The goal is 2 ruin your computer until eventually tricking U into thinking U need 2 buy a new 1 or 'upgrade' the whole OS.  It's amazing 2 me 'the power of novelty'.  Operating Systems & PCs in a lot of cases 2 R like watching somebody eat a bowl of hot steamy dog $hit because they think a day old donut is not 'modern' enough 4 breakfast =))  iAlso remember a very obvious example in Windows '98 days where IE6 main job was 2 leak RAM & lock up computers & stuff, & iWarned everybody against 'upgrading' 2 it, but they mostly do, & then they end up 'needing' a 'newer' machine = LOL!!
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    ajay · 1 years ago
    is there any one else who can help me to configure DIA service to my busineess network from service provider. i have cisco edge router?

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    Cossarshill · 1 years ago
    Hello all,
    New to this site..I would like to download the Win xp Pro Integral Edition.
    However when I went to down load  , I couldn't get passed all the clutter of ads, !! and I ended up having to reset my PC.😥😥 BECAUSE OF THE CONTINUAL popups.
    Is there a way to get passed all that ??
    Hope somebody can give me a clear link,
    Thankyou .....the xp software looks amazing and will help keep my good old Dell Isperion 9400  out of landfill !!

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      The Fugitive · 1 years ago
      @Cossarshill If you click on 'Magnet' with qbittorrent installed should download fine.
    • This commment is unpublished.
      Ogilvie Jackson · 1 years ago
      @The Fugitive Thanks....got the Zip downloaded fine...........now to study the  ReadMe !!
      I intend  to clean install onto a partitioned SSD on my old Dell 9400 laptop with 3.6 ram.
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  • This commment is unpublished.
    Abubakar Dahiru · 1 years ago
    Any fun about pictures😜😜😜😜
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    vulture computer · 1 years ago
    Yesterday a morning came, a smile upon your face

    Caesar's palace, morning glory, silly human, silly human, silly human race

    On a sailing ship to nowhere, leaving any place

    If the summer changed to winter, yours is no, yours is no disgrace
    Yours is no disgrace
    Yours is no disgrace

  • This commment is unpublished.
    Hamada · 1 years ago
    thank you so much for windows 10 22h2
  • This commment is unpublished.
    SEPI · 2 years ago
    thankyou liked
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    Hammo · 2 years ago
    Any leads on WIndows 12 ??

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      Ramsey · 2 years ago
      @Hammo Yes more spyware and more cloud crap. 🙃
      Windows 11 is now a year old and i don't expect Microsoft to release a new Windows version before 2024.
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    illirnate · 2 years ago
    Anyone have funny stories about their computers?
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      vulture computer · 1 years ago
      @illirnate My computer is a vulture. It's hilarious. Ok maybe not. Sorry I don't have a story about my computer. It did not win the Nobel Prize for Literature or Physics or Economics. It's just a computer. If things go wrong, I get mad. If they go well, I am happy. Thanks for reading.
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    cagot · 2 years ago
    fresh fish! fresh fish!
  • This commment is unpublished.
    Mary DeMalo · 2 years ago
    Dear friend

    I am Mary    DeMalo