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Language: English
Author: Ramsey
File Size: 1.44 GB (Gigabytes)
File Format: ZIP (Compressed File Archive)
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(#) 2024.11.29 Changes:

* Added Microsoft IME 2002 Japanese Zip Code Dictionary Update 2008 11 Month Edition (imjpzp.dic v8.0.9602.0).
* Added a Windows XP GroupOrderList SCSI and Filter registry improvement.
* Added Tutorial for USB Boot via Firadisk (In folder ".\Information\Tutorials").
* Added Supermium 126 R5 (In ISO/Disc file "Extra Goodies").
* Added Microsoft AppLocale v1.3.3.31 (In ISO/Disc file "Extra Goodies").
* Added Microsoft Silverlight v5.1.50918.0 (In ISO/Disc file "Extra Goodies").
* Added Java SE 8 Update 111 (In ISO/Disc file "Extra Goodies").
* Added Clean Flash Player v34.0.0.321 (In ISO/Disc file "Extra Goodies").
* Updated Microsoft .NET Framework AIO Pack from "v2024.4.10" to "v2024.10.10".
* Updated 7-Zip from "v24.06" to "v24.08".
* Updated MyPal from "v68.13.7b" to "v68.14.5b".
* Updated Thorium "M122 v3" to "M122 R4".
* Updated Patch Integrator script from "v4.0.3" to "v4.1.2" (New acpi.sys file and 2 GUI fixes).


[---------- SHORT SUMMARY ----------]

Includes ALL the latest Windows XP and POSReady 2009 Updates/Hotfixes until 22.5(May).2019 and no Windows XP Activation or Cr4ck or CD-K3y is required.
Also included are over 330 MB of additional LAN, WLAN, SATA/AHCI, NVMe and USB3 drivers. Including with some Desktop Personalizations, Runtimes, Patches, Fixes, Tweaks and some optional Programs and Preconfigured Settings.
A Help file is also included in the ISO/Disc folder ".\OEM\WinXPPx86IE" with lots of useful information, such as on how to install Windows XP with an USB Flash Drive and on how to integrate your own SATA/AHCI drivers and much more.

[---------- INCLUDES ----------]

(#) Windows XP Updates:

* Windows XP Service Pack 3 (KB936929).
* Windows XP and POSReady 2009 Updates/Hotfixes until 22.5(May).2019.
* Windows Genuine Advantage Validation v1.9.42.0 (KB905474) {Cr4cked/LgtCkCtl.dl_}.
* Windows Internet Explorer v8 (Roll Back to 6 possible).
* Windows Media Player v11 (Roll Back to 9 possible).
* Windows Remote Desktop Connection 7.0 (KB969084, KB2813347-v2).
* Windows Rights Management Client (KB979099).
* Windows Driver Frameworks 1.9 - User Mode (KB970158) and Kernel Mode (KB970159).
* Windows Feature Pack for Storage v1.0 (KB952013) - Image Mastering API v2.0 (KB932716-v2, KB952011).
* Windows Feature Pack for Storage v1.0 (KB952013) - ICCD Smart Card Driver.
* Windows Installer v4.5.6002.24298 (KB942288, KB4087398).
* Windows XP exFAT file system driver update package v1.0 (KB955704).
* Windows XP Root Certificates Update [May 2024 v41.0.2195.2405] (KB931125).
* Windows XP Revoked Roots Certificates Update [September 2023 v8.0.2195.2309] (SA3123040).
* Windows XP CAPICOM v2.1.0.2 (KB931906).
* Microsoft European Union Expansion Font Update v1.2.
* Microsoft WinUSB 2.0 (KB971286).
* Microsoft XML Paper Specification Essentials Pack v1.2 (KB971276-v3, KB977585-v2, KB2958997-v4).
* Microsoft XML Core Services v4.0 SP3 4.30.2117.0 (KB2758694).
* Microsoft XML Core Services v6.0 SP2 6.20.2509.0 (KB2957482, KB4493790).
* Microsoft Web Folders v12.0.6606.1000 (KB907306, KB2526086=msdaipp.dll,msonsext.dll).
* Microsoft IME 2002 Japanese Zip Code Dictionary Update 2008 11 Month Edition (imjpzp.dic v8.0.9602.0).
* Windows High Definition Audio "Function" Driver v1.0a (KB888111).
* Windows Browser Choice (KB976002-v5).
* Windows Update v7.6.7600.256.
* Windows Update Web Control v7.6.7600.257.
* Microsoft Update Web Control v7.6.7600.257.
* Microsoft Update Catalog Web Control v7.4.7057.249 (build timestamp 130620-1021).

(#) Windows XP Runtime Libraries:

* Microsoft DirectX 9.0c End-User Runtimes v9.29.1974.1 (June 2010).
* Microsoft .NET Framework [Up-to-Date/10.10(October).2024]: 1.1 SP1, 2.0 SP2, 3.0 SP2, 3.5 SP1, 4.0 Full - {Optional}.
* Microsoft Visual C++: 2002 (v7.0.9975.0), 2003 (v7.10.6119.0), 2005 SP1 (v8.0.50727.6229), 2008 SP1 (v9.0.30729.7523), 2010 SP1 (v10.40219.473), 2012 Update 5 (v11.0.61135.400), 2013 Update 5 (v12.0.40664.0), 2015-2019 (v14.28.29213.0) - {Optional}.
* Microsoft Visual Basic: v1.00, v2.0.9.8, v3.0.5.38, v4.0.24.22 (16-bit), v4.0.29.24 (32-bit), v5.2.82.44, v6.1.98.39 (SP6 Update KB3096896) - {Optional}.
* Microsoft XNA Framework 1.0 (v1.1.10405.0), 2.0 (v2.0.11128.1), 3.0 (v3.0.11010.0), 3.1 (v3.1.10527.0), 4.0 (v4.0.30901.0).
* Microsoft Visual F# 2.0 SP1 (v2.0.40219.1).
* Microsoft Visual J# 2.0 (v2.0.50727.937).
* Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Tools for Office Runtime (v10.0.60828.0).
* Microsoft Silverlight v5.1.50918.0 (In ISO/Disc file "Extra Goodies").
* Java SE 8 Update 111 (In ISO/Disc file "Extra Goodies").
* Clean Flash Player v34.0.0.321 (In ISO/Disc file "Extra Goodies").

(#) Windows XP Applications:

* Microsoft Calculator Plus v1.0.0.908 {Replaces the default Calculator}.
* Microsoft BitLocker To Go Reader v1.0 (KB970401).
* Microsoft Active Directory Application Mode SP1 - {In ISO/Disc file "Extra Goodies"}.
* Microsoft AppLocale v1.3.3.31 - {In ISO/Disc file "Extra Goodies"}.
* Windows Management Framework Core v6.3.15.0 (KB968930) - {In ISO/Disc file "Extra Goodies"}.
* Windows PowerShell 1.0 (KB926139-v2) - {In ISO/Disc file "Extra Goodies"}.
* Windows XP Powertoy - ClearType Tuner v1.01 - {Optional}.
* Windows XP Powertoy - Alt-Tab Replacement v1.0 - {Optional}.
* Windows XP User Profile Hive Cleanup Service v2.0.49 Beta - {Optional}.
* Windows XP GDI+ Detection Tool v1 (KB873374).
* Windows XP QFEcheck v6.2.29.0 (KB282784).
* Windows Movie Maker 2.1.4028.0 Plus - {In ISO/Disc file "Extra Goodies"}.
* Outlook Express 6 - {In ISO/Disc file "Extra Goodies"}.
* Microsoft Tablet PC 2005 v1.7.2600.5685 - {In ISO/Disc file "Extra Goodies"}.

(#) Additional Applications:

* 7-Zip v24.08 - {Optional}.
* MyPal v68.14.5b (Backported Firefox v68.12.0 with CSS engine v85 and JavaScript engine v88) - {Optional}.
* Supermium 126 R5 (Backported Google Chrome v126.0.6478.256 Browser) - {In ISO/Disc file "Extra Goodies"}.
* Thorium M122 R4 (Backported Google Chrome v122.0.6261.171 Browser) - {In ISO/Disc file "Extra Goodies"}.
* XP Codec Pack v2.1.2 (Includes: MPC-BE v1.4.7, LAV v0.70.2.17, ffdshow v1.3.4534, madVR v0.92.17.0, xy-VSFilter v3.0.0.306, XySubFilter v3.1.0.752, Icaros v3.0.3.0) - {Optional}.
* IconRestorer v2.8.1-SR1 - {Optional}.
* Unlocker v1.9.2 - {Optional}.
* HashCheck v2.4.1.58-alpha - {Optional}.
* ImDisk Toolkit v2024.01.13 - {Optional}.
* Open Command Prompt Shell Extension v2.1.0.1 - {Optional}.
* Take Ownership XP v1.2.1 (Allows to take ownership of a file or folder from the Right-click menu) - {Optional}.
* Toshiba UDF2.5 Reader Driver v1.0.0.3 (Allows you to browse HD-DVD and Blu-ray discs in Windows Explorer) - {Optional}.
* PC Tools Firewall Plus v7.0.0.123 - {In ISO/Disc file "Extra Goodies"}.
* Sandboxie v5.40-XP (Allows you to run programs in an isolated environment) - {In ISO/Disc file "Extra Goodies"}.
* Windows XP Certificate Updater v1.6 - {In ISO/Disc file "Extra Goodies"}.
* Naraeon SSD Tools v5.4.0 (For SSD Trim on IDE&SATA) - {In ISO/Disc file "Extra Goodies"}.
* WinSetupFromUSB v1.10 (For creating a Windows USB Installation) - {In ISO/Disc file "Extra Goodies"}.

(#) Windows XP Patches/Fixes:

* Extended Update Support Patch v1.0: Extends the Windows XP update support from "April 2014" till at least "April 2019" (POSReady 2009 Updates).
* TCP/IP Patch v1.0: Increase the number of Half-Open outgoing TCP connections from 10 to 16777215 (Maximum) [tcpip.sys].
* UxTheme Patch v1.0: Allows you to apply unsigned Custom Visual Styles (Windows XP Themes) [uxtheme.dll].
* TermSrv Patch v1.0: Allows you to have multiple concurrent remote desktop connections [termsrv.dll].
* SFC Patch v1.0: Allows you to disable and enable the Windows File Protection with the registry entry "SfcDisable" [sfc_os.dll].
* FlopX NT5.1 Patch v1a: Allows Non-standard Floppy Formats [flpydisk.sys].
* SndRec32 Patch v2.0: Fixes a Sound Recorder error message on computers that have more than 2GB of RAM and Increases the Recording Time Limit from 60 Seconds to 999 Seconds [sndrec32.exe].
* Shell32 Patch v1.0: Fixes the missing Icons in the notification area [shell32.dll].
* WOW32 Patch v1.0: Fixes the Win16 Subsystem insufficient resources problem [wow32.dll].
* NTDETECT Patch v1.1: Deactivates the resetting of the USB controller to prevent a crash of the USB drive on which the Windows XP installation is carried out [NTDETECT.COM].
* RAID-5 Patch v2.0: Enables RAID-5 software support and enables 2TB Mirror RAID support [dmadmin.exe, dmconfig.dll, dmboot.sys, dmio.sys].
* MCI-MIDI Patch v1.0: Fixes a 4 second freeze when switching MIDI tracks with the Media Control Interface [mciseq.dll].
* SERVICES Patch v1.0: Includes more assigned port numbers for well-known services defined by IANA [services].
* NF4SBF v3.1: Fixes a Microsoft .NET Framework 4 bug that causes a slow Windows XP boot up (File is placed in the Startup menu).
* Fixed missing ClipBook Viewer shortcut in the Start Menu (accessor.inf).
* Fixed missing dll registry entries for the Microsoft Jet and OLE files (KB4034775 Update Bug).

(#) Windows XP Tweaks:

* Preconfigured Windows XP Settings - {Optional}.
* Preconfigured Program Settings - {Optional}.
* Suppressing Microsoft Update nagging to install Windows Genuine Advantage Notifications v1.9.40.0 (KB905474).
* Suppressing Microsoft Update nagging to install Windows XP End Of Service Notifications (KB2934207).
* Suppressing Microsoft Update nagging to install Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool v5.39.12900.0 (KB890830).

(#) Extras:

* Compatible Updates/Hotfixes and RTM files from Office 2000, Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003, Windows POSReady 2009, Windows Vista, Windows 7 (More details in the ReadMe file).
* DriverPacks BASE v11.09.01.2f with Driver Pack Mass Storage v18.04.21 (SATA/AHCI) - Compressed = 10 MB / Uncompressed = 62 MB. 
* Separate Driver Packs: LAN (Cable Ethernet) v18.04.21 - Compressed = 12 MB / Uncompressed = 81 MB - {Optional}.
* Additional Drive Packs: WLAN (Wireless Ethernet) v15.01.23.1 - {In ISO/Disc file "Extra Goodies"}.
* Desktop Personalizations - {Optional}:
  Themes = "Windows XP Embedded", "Black Mesa v2.0", "ChaNinja Style RC5 v1.0", "Disney - It's a Magical World v2.0", "NeoGeniX LS v1.0", "Luna Element Black v5.1 + CSS", "Royale Remixed v1.47", "Windows 7 Colors v1.1", "Zune Final v1.0".
  Wallpapers = Windows XP Pirated Edition, Bliss (1920x1080), Seychelles - La Digue - Beach (1920x1080).
  Fonts = "Noto Emoji Regular".
* Windows File Protection Utility v1.6.2 (In "Start Menu -> All Programs -> Accessories -> System Tools").
* Windows XP CD-K3y Changer v1.2 (In ISO/Disc folder ".\OEM\WinXPPx86IE").
* Windows NT Registration Changer v1.0 (In ISO/Disc folder ".\OEM\WinXPPx86IE").
* Text file with some valid WGA CD-K3ys (In ISO/Disc folder ".\OEM\WinXPPx86IE").
* Help file with lots of useful information (In ISO/Disc folder ".\OEM\WinXPPx86IE").
* All Modified and Patched files are digitally signed with a custom certificate.

(#) Patch Integrator v4.1.2:

* Kai-Schtrom SATA/AHCI driver v1.0 (Backported Windows 8 driver).
* Microsoft SATA/AHCI driver v6.3.0.1 (Backported Windows 8.1 driver).
* ASMedia SATA/AHCI driver v2.3.0.1 (Best for GPT disks on Intel boards).
* AMD SATA/AHCI driver v1.2.001.0337 (Backported Windows 7 driver).
* Universal Intel SATA/AHCI/RAID Drivers+Software v11.2.0.1006.2 (For RST Series).
* Microsoft NVMe driver v6.1.7601.23403 (Backported Windows 7 driver).
* Kai-Schtrom NVMe driver v1.3 (Backported Windows 7 Open Fabrics Alliance driver).
* Intel NVMe driver v4.0.0.1007 (Backported Windows 7 driver).
* Samsung NVMe driver v3.3.0.2003 (Backported Windows 7 driver).
* Silicon Motion NVMe driver v10.4.49.0 (Backported Windows 7 driver).
* Microsoft USB3.x xHCI driver v2.2 (Backported Windows 8 driver).
* AMD/Intel USB3.0 xHCI driver v3 (Patched Windows 7 AMD driver).
* Microsoft SD+MMC Card driver v6.2.8056.0 (Backported Windows 8 driver).
* ACPI Patch v5.1.2600.7777.8 (2024.11.7): Adds support for mainboards that are newer than 2016.
* PAE Patch v3.6: Allows you to set the RAM limit from 3.5 Gigabyte to 4 Gigabyte or to 64 Gigabyte.
* PM/RTC Timer Fix v1.2.1: For 2015 or newer Intel CPUs.
* Intel USB3.x HC-Switch v1.2.1 (Uses ACPI v5048).
* AVX/AVX2 Enabler v1.1: Allows you to use AVX 256-bit on Multi-Core CPUs with Physical Address Extension.
* Live USB Setup configuration settings: Allows you to Install and Boot Windows XP from a USB Hard Drive Drive.
* DriverPacks BASE Remover (Also removes all the included Driver Packs).
* Windows XP SSE2 Updates Remover v1.3.3: For CPUs without SSE2 support.

[---------- REMOVED ----------]

(#) Windows XP Components:

* Nothing was removed that could cause System or Software problems, only outdated and unneeded components were removed.
1. Applications: "Address Book", "Internet Games", "Program Manager".
2. Multimedia: "Images and Backgrounds", "Movie Maker", "Music Samples".
3. Network: "MSN Explorer", "Netmeeting", "Outlook Express", "Windows Messenger".
4. Operating System Options: "Blaster and Nachi removal tool", "Desktop Cleanup Wizard", "Out of Box Experience (OOBE)", "Tour".
5. 3rd-party Drivers: "Display Adapters", "ISDN", "Logitech WingMan", "Scanners", "Sony Jog Dial", "Toshiba DVD decoder card".
6. Disc Files: "clock.avi", "flash.ocx", "mmc.chm", "plugin.ocx", "rdsktpw.chm", "swflash.inf", "swtchbrd.bmp", "yahoo.bmp".
7. Disc Folders: "DOTNETFX", "SUPPORT", "VALUEADD", "I386\WIN9XMIG", "I386\WIN9XUPG".

(#) Bugged Updates/Files that have not been added (Manual installers in ISO/Disc file "Extra Goodies"):

1. KB960921 (Including default SP3 file "videoprt.sys") / This update was not added as it will reduce the 2D performance by around 150% and also slows down the browser scrolling when using PAE (Physical Address Extension) with a AMD Radeon graphics card.
2. KB2926765 (shlwapi.dll) / This update was not added due to a Microsoft bug with the changing of the Internet and E-mail item on the Start menu.

[---------- INFORMATION ----------] + [---------- HELP GUIDES ----------]

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  • This commment is unpublished.
    Guest16346 · 4 years ago
    Are you going to integrate this reversed KB4507704 timezone update that was released in July 2019? It was also supposed to be released for POSReady according to the KB documentation but it seems to be only limited to partners having taking part in a some sort of a 15k$USD premium
    Fortunately the smart guys from MSFN have figured it out but instead of including the usual microsoft hotfix/update stuff, they just released a .reg file with appropriate changes.

    P.S.: daniel_k has finished migrating to MDL now. You can find his stuff in the Windows XP subsection.
    • This commment is unpublished.
      Ramsey · 4 years ago
      @Guest16346 Good i will add this too. :) I also couldn't find this Update on the internet. :( And on MSFN they ban you if you upload stuff from Microsoft. (n)
    • This commment is unpublished.
      Guest16346 · 4 years ago
      @Ramsey Rule 1.b, eh? Draconic, but what else to do to avoid any potential legal issues with MS.
      > I also couldn't find this Update on the internet.
      yeah, there are 3 potential reasons of why this update can't be found for POSReady 2009:
      * documentation error, the update simply did not exist
      * accidentally released to the public, but taken down (just like with that other timezone update from June), but this time nobody has acquired it within the time window of the update being available
      * the update exists, but they've learnt from the mistakes from June's update and have directly released to enterprises being part of the 15k$ premium support programme.
    • This commment is unpublished.
      Ramsey · 4 years ago
      @Guest16346 Buying a Server in a less draconical country would slow the legal issues problem. :)
      I could start a GoFundMe for15k$ and ask Microsoft to lets us into the premium support programme. (dream)
    • This commment is unpublished.
      Guest16346 · 4 years ago
      @Ramsey Heh, the only thing is that it's destined for large-scale enterprises and gov/mil agencies, not for a mere mortal, unlike how it is with Windows 7/Server 2008 and the Extended Security Updates program, alas.

      But who knows, assuming the updates don't include any personal/sensitive metadata that would allow them to trace the leaker, maybe they will be leaked, one day.
    • This commment is unpublished.
      Ramsey · 4 years ago
      @Guest16346 Well i guess it's time to rob a ATM with Windows XP on it. (penguin)
  • This commment is unpublished.
    infuscomus · 4 years ago
    Hi Ramsey

    Mov Ax 0xDEAD found a solution to the PAE crashing problem in the USB 3.0 driver


    I'm a noob at editing assembly code, any idea how to apply the fix?

    also newer storport.sys for next release
  • This commment is unpublished.
    Vinay K · 4 years ago
    Help Me Getting Error, Setup Cannot Find End User Licensing Agreement . Trying To Install Xp With Usb Flash Drive Using Rufus. Help Me
    • This commment is unpublished.
      Ramsey · 4 years ago
      @Vinay K Read the ReadMe file on how to do a Windows XP USB Flash installation.
    • This commment is unpublished.
      estfix · 4 years ago
      @Vinay K Had same issue. Make cd if possible.
    • This commment is unpublished.
      · 4 years ago
      @Vinay K Do not use Rufus, use WinSetupFromUSB_1-9.exe
  • This commment is unpublished.
    datauser · 4 years ago
    Just popping in so to speak. Great work on the Integral & Win10 Ramsey. Notice XP is getting smaller than 700mb. Maybe room for a few more lightweight apps? Leapic does some great small sized software e.g Media Converter which I've found very useful.
    • This commment is unpublished.
      Ramsey · 4 years ago
      I already added 2 new stuff for the next WinXP-IE release. :)
      And after this new release i will add a web links category to the site. :)
  • This commment is unpublished.
    Grissa · 4 years ago
    MY CPU _ INTEL CORE 2 DUO E4600 X86 _
    • This commment is unpublished.
      Ramsey · 4 years ago
      @Grissa If it installs then it works. And this is only for Pentium 3 CPUs and below.
    • This commment is unpublished.
      Guest16346 · 4 years ago
      @Grissa No need to ask Ramsey endlessly about every small thing. If CPU-Z shows that it supports SSE2, then you don't need to rely on the patch. It's for ancient potatoes that don't support it.
    • This commment is unpublished.
      Hyde · 4 years ago
      @Guest16346 I think that Grissa guy is literally retarded with all the comments I see from him is worded and all his technical question regarding his incapability with technical details. I have no problems with actual retards but if he is that incapable, then he should stick with vanilla Windows.
    • This commment is unpublished.
      Guest16346 · 4 years ago
      @Hyde I'd not say that, though. I have a feeling that he's just an un-techsavvy person whose English isn't a mother tongue. The nick sounds French, or Moroccan, or Tunisian for me, so yeah. They should use a good translator like DeepL if their English is bad, and that translator does wonders, compared to Google's.
    • This commment is unpublished.
      Your Momma! · 4 years ago
      @Hyde "I don't have a problem with actual retards" to quote you. My word you are all charm yourself. Behave or risk censure my boy!
    • This commment is unpublished.
      Hyde · 4 years ago
      @Guest16346 I do notice that his English isn't good and that is something I can understand as English isn't my native language either (but it is my primary language though) but one issue I have with his comments is his unnecessary use of ALL CAPS and weird (*)++__*(&*(@! symbols usage.
      I'm also aware of him being not tech savvy but if he wants to learn, he should've start small, not tinkering with modded OS. Most of the questions I see from him is also answered in the ReadMe text file.
      BTW, thanks for the info drop on a good translator. I was just looking for a better replacement to Google's translator and Microsoft Bing's translator.
  • This commment is unpublished.
    Nick · 4 years ago
    What does vanilla mean in this case? It sounds more like vanilla Minecraft which is just the plain Java edition without any mods at all. Does the XP iso come prepackaged with the mods and tweaks we're used too? Also what's with the key patcher? I thought this build of XP was preactivated.
    • This commment is unpublished.
      Ramsey · 4 years ago
      @Nick The (Vanilla) is the default one. And the "Optional Patch Integrator" script will create a customized one with the experimental patches you selected, and this one will then be called (Customized Option x,x,x,x,x,x,x).
    • This commment is unpublished.
      Nick · 4 years ago
      @Ramsey Thanks for the clarification, but what are the files in the WinXPPx86IE folder used for? They look like key patchers and I thought it was preactivated. Is that for a just in case scenario?
    • This commment is unpublished.
      Ramsey · 4 years ago
      @Nick It's per-activated. This are only tools in case someone needs them. For example, if someone wants to change the CD-Key with the CD-Key they bought.
    • This commment is unpublished.
      Nick · 4 years ago
      @Ramsey Thank you again for clarifying very quickly. I kinda thought that was the case. If the target system is an old Pentium 4 from 2004, I can disregard the extra tweaks right? I'm assuming because most of the extra tweaks not baked into the iso are for newer computers and the SSE2 patch is for even older computers.
    • This commment is unpublished.
      Ramsey · 4 years ago
      @Nick Exactly that's the cases. For you computer your should not use any of this Extra Patches.
  • This commment is unpublished.
    andekande · 4 years ago
    Hey Ramsey, find your "distro" because of getting nostalgic and wanting to play games with my Race Wheel attached to the gameport. After wondering why its not recognized as gamecontroller I eventually found this line in your Readme:

    * Nothing was removed that could cause System or Software problems, only outdated and unneeded components were removed. 5. 3rd-party Drivers: "Display Adapters", "ISDN", "Logitech WingMan", "Microsoft SideWinder", "Scanners", "Sony Jog Dial", "Toshiba DVD decoder card".
    Well - SideWinder drivers is what I desperately need, as there is no other source of drivers but the ones Microsoft shipped with the OS. How to get them back or find them in an original ISO ?
    Thank you very much.
    • This commment is unpublished.
      Ramsey · 4 years ago
      You can use the one from the CD of your Game Controller or even better download the Up-to-Date driver from the internet.
    • This commment is unpublished.
      Guest16346 · 4 years ago
      @andekande Or alternatively download the original unmodified ISO within the install., mount the ISO via ImDisk & pop the Race Wheel in. (or alternatively if it doesn't automatically install the drivers, install the driver via devmgmt.msc and direct it to the mounted ISO (either via the special CD/DVD option or manually).

      Was going to say about whether popping the clean ISO in would restore unrelated modified files, but these ones already have a digital signature so no need to worry about the file protection going apeshit.

      BTW normally I'd recommend that you get it from the-eye's MSDN mirror but it is currently offline now, so get the ISO from this mirror of the-eyes MSDN mirror: https://msdn.hackerc.at/
      Get en_windows_xp_professional_with_service_pack_3_x86_cd_vl_x14-73974.iso since that ISO is the closest to the base that Integral Edition is built on.
    • This commment is unpublished.
      andekande · 4 years ago
      @andekande Very appreciated. Got it installed, Here a summary:
      - MS Sidewinder Drivers on vogons are for Win98, the Software for XP does not come with drivers
      - Mounting the original XP SP3 CD should be the first choice while letting install wizard look through CD

      I did go for a more manual route though and found out that swnt.inf contains Sidewinder Game Controller drivers for Gameport devices. Extracted this together with msgame.syssw_effct.dll and
      sw_wheel.dll from .cab and installed the .inf

      Quiet a bit of an effort for what usually was designed to be plug and play.
      Anyhow, now happily driving with that wheel in a Camaro on Hawaii ;-)
    • This commment is unpublished.
      andekande · 4 years ago
      @Guest16346 Thanks that's it.
    • This commment is unpublished.
      Ramsey · 4 years ago
      @andekande I will Re-Add this again to the next release. Since it's a hard to find the up-to-date driver for this on the internet.
    • This commment is unpublished.
      andekande · 4 years ago
      @Ramsey very cool, just a couple of kilobytes for the 4 files
  • This commment is unpublished.
    BobOne · 4 years ago
    Hello all
    New to site today. I am trying to resurrect an old xp pro system and get all my updates. I have my original disc and product key. I am not a high level techie so I need help. I know to burn the iso for the xp pro Windows XP Professional SP3 x86 - Integral Edition 2020.4.14 (Operating Systems) download but I tried another product from a different vendor ( ALL PC World) but when I entered my original SP2 version from the burned iso file on boot up it did not recognize it. Need help.

  • This commment is unpublished.
    ArminC · 4 years ago
    When I try to install the Patched version (AHCI, xHCI, 128GB) on another laptop it goes in a Blue Screen after some seconds on First Part. I tried with that two fixes, to no avail.
    IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL - 0x0A (0x08, 0x02, 0x0, 0x8080A6FC)
    • This commment is unpublished.
      Ramsey · 4 years ago
      @ArminC First try one patch at a time and also try different ACPI patches. This patches are no guaranty that they will work on all computers that's why i didn't integrate them by default.
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      ArminC · 4 years ago
      @Ramsey Ok, so I went directly with the Vanilla one, just for test purpose. It still crashes. Laptop's spec. Do I miss something?
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      Ramsey · 4 years ago
      @ArminC Then this is most likely a SATA driver problem. Try to use only the Universal SATA/AHCI driver option in the Optional Patch Integrator.
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      ArminC · 4 years ago
      @Ramsey Amm.. I thought about this too.. If I'm not wrong, I tried with that one too.
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      ArminC · 4 years ago
      @ArminC I'll try to use just that patch to see if somehow they conflicted.
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      ArminC · 4 years ago
      @Ramsey Done. Still crashes. 0x07B (0xF78d2524, 0xC034, 0x0, 0x0). Also I think the Patcher is bugged.
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    Grissa · 4 years ago
    @all members
    I find XP ISO + other folders in 7ZIP archive
    I only burn XP ISO to USB kit
    And i lose other folders in 7ZIP archive
    IS IT right and ok ? ......
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    ochentay4 · 4 years ago
    @RAMSEY thanks for this release, optional components are great as some of us had problems and do not like all the new additions for all the systems we have (specially the older ones), but I miss Wifi Drivers (as Wifi XP drivers are difficult to come by), maybe they could be added as an option? Many of us do not care for a bigger iso, because we dont use CD anymore to install XP. Could you think about it?
    Of course the project is getting bigger and bigger over time, but its getting better than ever and has become my default way to install XP for a long time.
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      Ramsey · 4 years ago
      @ochentay4 If you go to the Driver Pack BASE forum their you can download all the Driver Packs you want and then simply put them into the ZIP Archive file in ".\OEM\RunOnce\Programs\Driver Packs\Driver Packs v21.4.2018.7z".
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      Rei · 4 years ago
      @ochentay4 Take the longer route like me & just download your Wi-Fi drivers as well as other drivers in general that you can find from your hardware manufacturer's website as they are always the latest version, then install them after you install WinXP.
      CD installations are for the few left that still use CDs to install WinXP.
      @Ramsey But I do agree that route should be abandoned as prolly every motherboard & laptop since the early 2000s already has USB ports. Most old disc drive prolly already has weak optical lens & replacing them especially for laptop models are expensive or even n/a. Or take the linux distro route by having one download for CD installation & another download for USB/DVD installer.
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    Fisherman · 4 years ago
    I am standart user. I got stone age laptop and use xpie always(thanx for job). My problem was about 2020 3 15 version which had blue screen err. I want to install xp like before version(2020 january). I downloaded this new version but this is zip file. So do i need only vanilla iso in zip folder?? Is this iso look like previously version? Sorry didnt understand well about this zip file and what to do ..I will use usb method like always.
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      Ramsey · 4 years ago
      @Fisherman Yes the Vanilla is the one that has no experimental Patches included like the 2020 January version and the once before. Vanilla version = Stock version / Default version / Standard version ... :)